Week 3: Love is Blind Season 7: Which couples will get married?

This season of Love is Blind has been filled with more roller coaster rides than a theme park. We started with six couples, and are barely limping along with three relationships ending in this week's episodes alone. Who's left to stand at the altar, and what are the odds any of the Love is Blind season 7 couples will say I do?
Garrett and Taylor, Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024
Garrett and Taylor, Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 /

It has been another shocking, dramatic week with the cast of Love is Blind season 7. While only two episodes have dropped so far, they've managed to pack in more drama than all of Bachelor Nation could dream of. Every time I think I've seen it all in reality TV, the cast of the newest season of Love is Blind collectively says, "Hold my beer," and proves me wrong. Let's look at the status of the couples that are left.

If you haven't been keeping track, here were my original week 1 predictions, and updated week 2 predictions. Oh, how the turn tables. Spoiler alert: I'm not great at this.

Week 2 predictions:

  • Marissa and Ramses 60/40
  • Hannah and Nick 10/90
  • Ashley and Tyler 70/30
  • Alex and Tim 20/80
  • Taylor and Garrett 85/15
  • Monica and Stephen 40/60

Week 3 predictions:

Monica Davis and Stephen Richardson

Stephen in a Hawaiian shirt with his arm around Monica in an orange one piece, smiling. Both hold gold wine glasses.
Stephen Richardson and Monica Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 /

Don't come for me, I like Stephen as a person. But I love Monica and he did her dirty! Of course, his introduction to Netflix was a bit suspect. He confessed to cheating on a prior girlfriend, which left Monica apologizing to him for some reason.

When someone tells you who they are, believe them. It's completely possible to think someone is funny and entertaining, but not want to marry them. Stephen is firmly in the "don't marry him" category. The man needs to work on himself, that is very obvious. From his comments about the amount of DMs he'll get once the show airs, to constant sexual innuendo, he doesn't seem to have been in it for the right reasons.

Monica may be high maintenance, but she was honest about it from day 1. Stephen, however, is giving a lot of fans, myself included, Trevor vibes. He portrays himself one way in the pods and a very different side of him comes, to light once he's back in the real world.

Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy him trolling fans, but please, stop DMing the cast hate messages. It's weird. Monica said they spoke and are on good terms but aren't getting back together. If she can get over a situation that happened directly to her, surely all of us who have never met these two and probably never will can go about our lives just fine without Stephen's DMs.

Week 1 odds of saying I do: 40/60

Week 2 odds of saying I do: 2/98

Week 3 odds of saying I do: 0/100

Hannah Jiles and Nick Dorka

Nick and Hannah walk through the bar in Mexico. Nick is in a white t shirt and khakis, Hannah in black overalls, pink bikini
Nick Dorka and Hannah Jiles Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 /

In the history of Love is Blind, I don't ever think there has ever been a more painful relationship to watch. I'm not sure Hannah knows what the words "I love you" mean. I knowthe cast is often edited to appear a certain way, and then lots of information comes out later on that they were actually the opposite of how they appeared on TV, but I'm having a hard time believing Hannah is edited any particular way.

The words that come out of her mouth when speaking to or about Nick give big mean girl energy. I cannot fathom making fun of my fiancee's sexual preferences or bedroom performance on national television. My jaw was on the floor. I've already wanted to fast forward any of their scenes since the duck incident in Mexico, but seeing her constantly belittle Nick, put him down, and tear him apart with her burn book is so sad.

I am not saying Nick is a saint. He obviously has a lot of growing up to do. But surely they discussed his living situation in the pods. Neither one of these two are ready for marriage, and I sincerely hope they both went to a ton of therapy in preparation for the show airing.

Nick admitting he was trying to change his personality for Hannah broke my heart. Even if we're missing some awful context - maybe he pulled a Stephen or even a Tyler, there's little that can justify how Hannah "loves" Nick.

Week 1 odds of saying I do: 10/90

Week 2 odds of saying I do: 30/70

Week 3 odds of saying I do: -1000/100

Alex Byrd and Tim Godbee

Tim in a red button down and khakis holds a back pack and hands with Alex, in a tan tank and jean shorts strolling in Mexico
Timothee Godbee and Alexandra Brown Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 /

Well, I have to say, I didn't see this one coming. The break ups of Stephen and Monica and Hannah and Nick made sense to me. Once again, being dropped into the middle of an argument with no context, it seems like Tim broke it off with Alex for napping?

I was surprised he continued on with the experiment past their fight in Mexico. He really looked checked out after yet another off camera argument, but they recovered nicely and Tim's meeting with Alex's dad was one of the sweetest moments of this season. Why'd you have to do this to us, Tim?! What did we, the Love is Blind fans, do to you?!

I would love to know the real final straw for Tim, because I'm having a hard time believing Alex choosing to nap was the final straw. Hand over mouth > sleepy time bear. Just me? The most shocking part of the whole thing was his lack of maturity during the whole situation. Alex already seems to have changed since she allegedly put her hand over his mouth in Mexico, remaining very calm throughout the whole argument and casually returning to snack time after Tim's hissy fit. But Tim never wants to see her again. That's so sweet. Too bad he has to relive the entire season with the rest of us and also do a reunion appearance. Check mate.

Week 1 odds of saying I do: 20/80

Week 2 odds of saying I do: 50/50

Week 3 odds of saying I do: 0/100

Marissa George and Ramses Prashad

Ramses and Marissa hold hands, Ramses in a white tribal print shirt and Marissa in a cropped cross band floral top.
Ramses Prashad and Marissa George Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 /

I'm get angry all over again just seeing Ramses name on my screen. I was truly hoping the condom talk was blown out of proportion like it was with season 5 love birds Amy and Johnny. After seeing Ramses total lack of concern for Marissa's overall well being over his need to get some, I wanted to throw a blow up doll through my screen.

We get it dude, you want to get laid. Sometimes, life gets in the way. You cannot expect your fiancee to be a machine. She's a real human being with emotions, and a job, and a commute, and a period. I know, inconvenient. Trust me, we don't want them any more than you want us to have them, but here we are.

I feel like we're seeing less and less of the perky, bubbly Marissa and more of the aims to please at any cost partner. It's not worth it girl, run!

Week 1 odds of saying I do: 60/40

Week 2 odds of saying I do: 25/75

Week 3 odds of saying I do: 10/90

Ashley Adonsier and Tyler Francis

Ashley and Tyler sit in an all white bed talking. Ashley is in gray pajamas with her hair up. Tyler is in a white tank top an
Ashley Adionser and Tyler FrancisCr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 /

Has Tyler heard about the internet? In case you missed it, in the trillionth argument that was off camera, Tyler admits to Ashley that he fathered three children. According to him, on the show, he was a sperm donor. According to the Internet, the baby momma, the baby grand momma, and the receipts, he was a very active part of his kid's lives though.

Now, it's hard for me to say what I would do if I were Ashley. I love kids, but I'm a big believer of actions speaking louder than words, and Tyler in matching pajamas with his mini mes, is a pretty big action that doesn't back up his "I'm just a sperm donor" and "I don't think they know what I look like" words. I would like to think I'd go running for the hills if someone conveniently left out during multiple perfect opportunities, hey, by the way, there are some pint sized versions of myself running around the planet.

They discussed families in the pods and nothing. They had an actual conversation, on camera, about how many kids they would have, and nothing. At the cast party, all of the women were equally shocked, as Tyler conveniently forgot to mention his children to any of them either. Ashley seems to be in it for the long haul though. I'm happy if they're happy, I guess.

Week 1 odds of saying I do: 70/30

Week 2 odds of saying I do: 30/70

Week 3 odds of saying I do: 60/40

Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans

Garrett and Taylor sit under a blue and yellow umbrella on the beach. Both have on pink bathing suits and sunglasses.
Garrett Josemans and Taylor Krause Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024 /

If these two don't live happily ever after, we riot. I think every couple has to have conflict, especially on a reality show. So Taylor and Garrett's argument over how he handled a DM from his ex is one of those situations I think was blown out of proportion.

If everything played out the way Garrett claimed, where he shut down his ex and told her he was happily engaged, I see no problem with their interaction. I'm also not sure why he would like about liking vs. replying to the DM, but I could see why Taylor would be a bit upset about that. If you're clearly stating you're taken, why lie and argue over semantics?

I was up in the air if they'd walk down the aisle once Taylor commented she didn't know if they should meet her family, but once I saw the footage of them on the plane, I was back on team Tarrett. Team Gaylor? We'll work on it. I love these two, and I love how they're trolling us with their did they or didn't they posts.

Week 1 odds of saying I do: 85/15

Week 2 odds of saying I do: 85/15

Week 3 odds of saying I do: 95/5

What do you think about the remaining couples?