Married at First Sight episode 7 recap - basement blues

Will the couples survive moving in together, or will their living habits have the newlyweds running for the hills? Here's how the home tours and cohabitating went this week on Married at First Sight, episode 7 basement blues.
Is Ikechi Threatned By Emem's Success? (S18) | Married At First Sight | Lifetime
Is Ikechi Threatned By Emem's Success? (S18) | Married At First Sight | Lifetime | Lifetime

The couples are finally moving in to their apartments this week on Married at First Sight, but don't want to get too comfortable yet. Already, we are seeing further divides between the majority of the newlyweds. Several have even opted out of their couple's apartments to stay in their own homes, and it's only week one back home. Who is warming up and who is getting the cold shoulder? Here's what happened in this week's episode of Married at First Sight, basement blues.

Camille and Thomas

Even though they're one of my favorite couples, I sometimes forget they're on the show. The lack of drama between the two gives them less screen time, so I guess I should be thankful. They aren't completely safe though. During their sit down with Pastor Cal and Dr. Pepper, Camille is still stressing about Thomas' swag.

Thomas oversharing about his dental hygiene isn't helping matters either. Instead of being romantic, his overcompensating with jokes is not building the romantic connection Camille is hoping for. The experts did a great job pairing these two in my opinion, and they did bond this week over how safe Camille feels around Thomas and that they have a spark of some kind.

Previews can be deceiving, but that smoothness Camille is looking for might be more than Thomas is capable of. The friend meetup is next week, and Camille left lunch with her sister feeling like she was in an interracial relationship with such different upbringings. Can Thomas step up his game?

Odds of saying yes on decision day: 8/10

Michelle and David

These two wear me out. We get it, he lives in his parents basement. The way Michelle has talked up her success, I thought she'd be living in a penthouse apartment with a helicopter pad. Her apartment was just that. An apartment. And it's great she doesn't have to share it or rely on her parents to save money, but way to bury the lead girl. She is not much further ahead than David, and really needs to let that go.

In all fairness to Michelle, David's bachelor pad is just that. A kegerator, David? To each their own I guess, but you can at least jazz it up a little with a neon sign or something. Color me unimpressed at both of their homes. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, girl.

During the couple's sit down with Pastor Cal and Dr. Pia, we did learn that Michelle was initially open to marrying someone who lives with their parents. Anyone can change their mind, and it seems like there were a few major issues she brought up that were red flags for her, such as smoking. David is a smoker, though he is quitting for her. I would be disappointed in the experts for that too, but he seems very willing to make positive improvements to make the relationship work.

It seems like there may be a ray of hope for Michelle and David too. After spending another night solo, Michelle comes back to the apartment with a list of date ideas so the two can get some quality time together.

Odds of saying yes on decision day: I'll give them a generous 3/10

Emem and Ikechi

The most uneventful couple of the week! While Camille and Thomas had less screen time, Emem and Ikechi had less issues - at least, for now. While Ikechi was anxious about showing Emem his apartment, he had nothing to worry about. He really built it up to sound like some kind of utilitarian, minimalist closet, but it wasn't bad! Even Emem was surprised at how nervous he was to show her his place.

Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal's visit with the couple was pretty forgettable. The biggest revelation from these two was Ikechi wanting Emem to loosen up. Fair enough, nobody's perfect.

Odds of saying yes on decision day: 7/10

Madison and Allen

Even though there's a lack of physical chemistry between Madison and Allen, I do think they compliment each other well. If Allen's joking can help Madison loosen up a bit, and she can help encourage healthy habits, they could find a nice balance. You can't force chemistry, but they're at least open to trying.

In a surprising move, Madison spent their first night back in her own apartment with a friend after partying all night. Chemistry or not, I would be pissed. Allen is a better person than I am. What kind of start to a marriage is that?! It doesn't seem to be a major issue though, and the two settle in with Allen's horny hound Loofy for hopeful domestic bliss. Food might be the key to Madison's heart, because Allen's cooking skills blow her away.

Nothing shocking from these two during the expert's visit either. Allen's been going to the gym more in the three days they've been back. And that's that on those two.

Odds of saying yes on decision day: 4/10

Karla and Juan

I normally save the last couple recap for Michelle and David for obvious reasons, but this week, the honor goes to Karla and Juan. Where do I begin?

Karla's lease ended right when she was getting married, so she decided to throw caution to the wind and put everything in storage. And I do mean everything. Who doesn't need a pot full of dry dirt for their future planting ambitions? Not to worry though, because if anyone can one up a disshelved storage unit, it's Juan's Home Depot tv stand. A literal utility cart holding his TV. Did he pick up some decorating tips while bonding with David? Karla was unimpressed.

The biggest surprise to me this week is that Karla thinks David is too much fun and can't be serious when needed. I got the opposite vibe based on how they envision their futures, with David always focusing on his business and financial growth, admitting he works too much. I am often wrong though, so here I am, admitting it. Have less fun, Juan. How dare you.

When Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal swing by, even more bombs get dropped. Their physical connection has died off, and Pastor Cal shows up with receipts. We don't get to see them, but I assume because he said so and I pledge my allegiance to Pastor Cal, they exist. Karla and Juan's communication styles seem in major conflict. She shuts down and goes into "withholding mode" according to Dr. Pepper. Understandable, she's an independent woman and it can take time to adjust to a new partner who is essentially a stranger.

Juan didn't get off the hook easily either. While I found him forgetting about Karla last week hilarious, the experts did not. Taking David for a date while leaving his new bride back at the hotel was a big no no, so hopefully we see Juan plan something special for Karla next week. I'm not holding out hope, as, spoiler alert...

There's a clip of Karla saying it feels like she's kissing her cousin. Is that an editing trick, or has their initial chemistry experiment failed?

Odds of saying yes on decision day: 3/10

Still to come on this season of Married of First Sight, a first ever scandal for the American version of the show. Which couple do you think will have Married at First Sight's most dramatic blow up yet?