Love is Blind - Five ways to fix Netflix's Popular Reality Series

After seven seasons, it's clear Love is Blind could use some improvements. From alleged secret fiancees to potential children, there are clear red flags that can be prevented with some easy changes to the show. Here are five ways to fix Love is Blind.
Love Is Blind. (L to R) Nick Dorka, Garrett Hoseman, Tamar Smith, Bohdan Olinares, Jason Drecchio, Tyler Frances, Stephen Richardson, Ramses Prashad, Timothee Godbee, David Romero, Perry Slomnicki, Nick Pugh, Leo Braudy, Ray Potterbaum in episode 701 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Adam Rose/Netflix © 2024
Love Is Blind. (L to R) Nick Dorka, Garrett Hoseman, Tamar Smith, Bohdan Olinares, Jason Drecchio, Tyler Frances, Stephen Richardson, Ramses Prashad, Timothee Godbee, David Romero, Perry Slomnicki, Nick Pugh, Leo Braudy, Ray Potterbaum in episode 701 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Adam Rose/Netflix © 2024

Most of us have had a hard time connecting with the cast of Love is Blind season 7. It's been a wild ride, with the most controversy of any other season of the show. As much as I love Love is Blind and will watch it until season 3,280, here are fixes for the red flags on the show.

The casting process

Chelsea and Kwame pose on the FYSEE Reali-Tea event purple carpet. Chelsea wears a long pink romper and Kwame in a khaki blaz
Love is Blind season 4's Chelsea Griffin-Appiah and Kwame Appiah | Presley Ann/GettyImages

This is the biggest complaint most fans have, and while it's not at the top of my list, it is pretty insane. While many people want to blame season 4's Chelsea Griffin Appiah, she has come forward to clarify that she is just one of many. There's an entire casting team from assistants to directors and producers that choose the 30 singles who will make it into the pods.

I asked Love is Blind season 6's Jeramey Lutinski what he would change about the production process. "Vetting people harder to make sure they're ready to get married".

The last several seasons, it seems like they're being a bit too lax on the requirements. In Love is Blind season 5, Trevor Sova was a fan favorite. I would have said yes in the pods, too! When Chelsea chose Jimmy, we all mourned a little bit. Shortly after, there were accusations of cheating and being on the show for the wrong reasons.

Now, I know people can be very manipulative and lie about their intentions, so I don't want to put this entirely on the casting team. Reality TV fans are better at the FBI at digging up the deepest, darkest secrets. If Love is Blind truly wanted cast there for the right reasons, they would be deep-diving into the cast's social media like a burned ex looking for petty revenge.

I also vote for asking for references. They already have to go through a battery of tests. I want three of your most recent exes, three family members, three friends and hey, give me three enemies too. Since so many cast members have secret side pieces or even secret children (TBD this season, Tyler), let's just cover all our bases.

The living situation

Ashley and Tyler sit under the covers on a white bed with white bedding facing each other.
Love Is Blind. (L to R) Ashley Adionser, Tyler Frances in episode 705 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

A month is not a long time to get to know each other. It's easy to judge how your partner keeps their place (Love is Blind season 7's Alex Byrd), or what they keep in their place (season 5's Izzy Zapata). You can't discover exactly who a person is in a month, though. They should decide whose house to move into and skip the bare, temporary apartments.

There are some landmark relationship experiences every couple should have. Send them on a road trip together. Make sure they get lost. Throw them in an escape room. You'd be amazing how much you learn about a person's communication style by being locked in a room trying to solve puzzles. Send them on a camping trip. They should have to complete a home renovation project. Without a contractor. No better way to see if you're compatible than to DIY your bathroom.

Outside influences

One thing I love about Married at First Sight is the couples go to therapy together throughout the process. While there have been improvements in reality TV casts having access to therapists post-show, they should be required to do it before they start filming, during filming, and after.

We don't have to have an inside look at their sessions, though MAFS does, there really isn't anything that can prepare the cast for being isolated without their phones days on end, a neutral party to talk the singles and couples through their issues, and of course, the fan backlash.

Let's bring the family and friends into the pods too. Once the cast is down to their final one or two, I want the besties in the pods with each other to get to know what the women and men are really like.

Protect the process

Hannah cries with her head in her hands in the pods. She wears a long sleeve blue shirt and pearl barrett in her hair.
Love Is Blind. Hannah Jiles in episode 704 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

I really don't understand why prenups are such a big red flag for couples. Everyone should have one. It can always be changed, but divorce can get ugly even when both parties go into the relationship with the best of intentions.

When you've only known someone through a wall for ten days, and for a total of a month, of course you should have a prenup! Especially seeing how many red flags are missed in casting, I wouldn't want to sign a legal document tying me to someone who owes a country's worth of debt, or has secret children.

Along the same lines, the cast should not be unemployed, especially if they're choosing to quit their jobs for the show (I'm looking at you, Hannah). The biggest red flag to me is not having a stable source of income—unless you're rich, of course: "Cough, cough, Leo. "Cough. Nothing says wannabe influencer more than not having a backup plan when this relationship doesn't work out.

Post-show problems

Good lawd, I need to sit down for this one. Production has to know which cast members have hidden baggage. I get it, and I'll be the first to say we want drama. The show would get canceled if we only had Lauren and Cameron every season. You're lying if you say otherwise. HOW-EV-ER...

Can we please learn from our mistakes, Netflix? We all know what's too far when it comes to going on the show. Let's not have any secret fiancees, or children, at the very least.

The cast needs to be better protected post-show too. The amount of hate, and vile comments, and even death threats the cast gets are unhinged. I don't expect the production team to be able to control that, but another great way to fix the show is on us, the fans. Stop jumping on the cast's pages and sliding into their DMs with hate. There's no need. It's not any better bullying the cast for their TV edit than whatever dirty deed they end up being known for.

What would you fix about Love is Blind?