The Ultimatum Season 3: Which couples are still together?

After being given the ultimatum and facing some very difficult odds, the contestants of The Ultimatum Season 3 had a big decision to make at the season's end. Some decided to stay together while others decided this was not the relationship for them--let's take a look at which couples are still together and who have moved on since Ultimatum Day.
The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3. (L to R) Scotty Lewis; Aria De Westbrooks; Dave Adams; Vanessa Hattaway; Caleb Lefterys; Mariah Zernik; Micah Hardeman; Chanel Watkins; Nick Tramontin; Sandy Gallagher; Zaina Sesay; and J.R Warren in Season 3 of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On. Cr. Adam Rose / Netflix © 2024
The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3. (L to R) Scotty Lewis; Aria De Westbrooks; Dave Adams; Vanessa Hattaway; Caleb Lefterys; Mariah Zernik; Micah Hardeman; Chanel Watkins; Nick Tramontin; Sandy Gallagher; Zaina Sesay; and J.R Warren in Season 3 of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On. Cr. Adam Rose / Netflix © 2024

In just three seasons, The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On has gained quite a following as one of Netflix's popular reality television series. In case you haven't seen it before, the premise of the series is couples coming to the show with one having given the other an ultimatum. By accepting to be in this experiment, the couple has essentially decided that they are open to meeting others and participating in dating others and having simulated marriages.

It's an interesting take on testing your partner's dedication to you, but it seems to have some logic to it. Three seasons in, and the show is going strong with no signs of stopping. The current season aired its finale this week with the highly anticipated reunion revealing which couples are still together, and who have separated since Ultimatum Day, despite saying yes to one another on the day of.

We've got the lowdown for you below, so let's get right into which couples are still together--and what happened to those that aren't. **SPOILER ALERT**: If you have not watched The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3 finale, do not continue reading as there are MAJOR spoilers ahead. Come back after you've watched the episode to get all the details!

What is the status on the contestants of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3?

Let's start with those that are single...

The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3. J.R Warren and Zaina Sesay in Season 3 of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On. Cr. Adam Rose / Netflix © 2024


As we saw in the finale, JR is still very much single. Since leaving on Ultimatum Day, he repeatedly stated, he's "still processing things" and trying to work on himself. It's not what Zaina wanted to hear, and it seems like the two have had a weirdly contentious yet friendly relationship since leaving the show, but they are not together. They were sort of together after the show but it looks like JR peaced out and left her hanging.

Of course, that revelation paved the path for Zaina from pointing out how close JR and Sandy got during the show, and how it made her feel. Oh, the drama! However, according to both JR and Sandy, nothing more than kisses were shared, but it doesn't look like Zaina believed any of that. However, that did not stop JR from double downing that he is not looking for anything right now, and that he is simply focused on moving on from the past.

Sorry, JR, whenever you are ready, rest assured, Zaina will not be waiting for you.


As we've already established above, JR and Zaina did not end up together after the show. They tried until it seemed like JR ghosted her, and decided to work on himself without her. At the reunion, she was very upset by how JR treated her, and she made it very clear that she is no longer looking to get back with JR. In fact, she's happy for participating in the experiment because it showed her just how much they don't make sense. It was a harsh statement, but can we blame her? The man should not have ghosted her but there are two sides to every story...

The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3. Scotty Lewis and Aria De Westbrooks in Season 3 of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On. Cr. Adam Rose / Netflix © 2024


Ahh, dear 'ol Scotty. I'm not sure how I feel about this guy. From the start there was something unsettling about him, but that's neither here or there. After the experiment, he and Aria did not stay together, despite leaving the show together. The day after they got engaged, Aria called it off, and it seemed like the couple never found their way back together. They went through a lot as a couple, but ultimately, they weren't meant to be. Now, Scotty is just trying to figure himself out and see how he can best prepare himself for the next relationship that comes his way.


Aria is single and not looking to mingle for now. As she shared in the finale, the breakup with Scotty was tough and things hadn't ended on a good note. Due to the chaos of all of that, she has decided that it's best to go down the single road for now and work on healing her heart.

The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3. Nick Tramontin and Sandy Gallagher in Season 3 of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On. Cr. Adam Rose / Netflix © 2024


Despite any notions people may have had that Sandy ended up with JR after the series ended, or decided to make it work with Nick, we are here to tell you that Sandy is single. The year that followed after the experiment was a lot for her as she revealed, and things haven't really smoothed out with Nick. He continued to be a presence in her life in a stressful way, and despite all the allegations of her and JR's relationship, Sandy said nothing more happened, even if Nick insists that they did. I'd like to say that from the viewer's perspective, Sandy and Nick's relationship felt toxic, and it is probably for the best that they aren't together because they weren't bringing out the best in one another. Hopefully, now apart, they can!

Now, moving onto those that are still together or in a relationship with someone else...

Although the year remained difficult between Nick and Sandy, it looks like Nick has indeed moved on from his and Sandy's relationship. He didn't get into the details of it on the finale, but based on his interviews, it looks like he is thriving and hoping to grow in a positive and less toxic way.

Dave and Vanessa

The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3. Vanessa Hattaway and Dave Adams in Season 3 of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On. Cr. Adam Rose / Netflix © 2024

These two were amongst the couples that decided to leave the show before it's conclusion. They sort of snuck off into the night and didn't look back, but certainly impacted how the rest of the show played out. Since leaving the series like that, the two are thriving as a couple and very happy. In fact, rumor has it they are now engaged! Perhaps this experiment did work after all?

Unlike Chanel and Micah, Dave and Vanessa did show up for the finale and tried to address all the animosity the others may have been feeling over their sudden departure. Kudos to D & V for showing up!

Mariah and Caleb

Following the experiment and an engagement on the series, Mariah and Caleb are still going strong! They're actually the only ones who went through the whole thing (despite Mariah being left high and dry after the other couples departed) and got engaged, and then stayed together after.

It's a big accomplishment and a huge milestone, and we couldn't be happier for them (even if some of the other contestants called their relationship not great/fake). Congratulations to the beautiful couple--we can't wait to see what is ahead for you!

Micah and Chanel

The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 3. Micah Hardeman and Chanel Watkins in Season 3 of The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On. Cr. Adam Rose / Netflix © 2024

We don't have many details on this couple as they did not show up to the finale. It seems like they're more of the hush hush type, and we can't blame them especially after their sudden exit from the series. We're hoping that wherever they are now, they're doing well!

With that, it's a wrap on The Ultimatum: Marry and Move On Season 3. Here's to hoping we're getting more seasons in the new year (fingers crossed!). Until next time, fellow viewers.