The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On is a Netflix series created by Kinetic Content that premiered in April 2022. The show, hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey, follows couples on the verge of getting married. In season 2, we followed the journey of Roxanne Kaiser and Antonio Mattei. The two left the experiment engaged, and we are happy to report that they got married! We share everything we know about the nuptials.
Roxanne Kaiser and Antonio Mattei on The Ultimatum
Antonio brought Roxanne onto the show and issued The Ultimatum, wanting the next step in their relationship to happen. One of Roxanne's biggest obstacles was not feeling that Antonio contributed equally to the relationship.
After the couple swapped and moved back in with one another, you see the differences begin to take a toll on the couple. However, when it was all said and done, Roxanne jumped on board, and the pair got engaged.
Since their time on the show, Roxanne still faces people in her comments, yelling about how she acted on the show. Still, nonetheless, the couple became a fan favorite in my household, even leading to an incredible one-on-one chat with Roxanne about her mental health gummy PROXY. I couldn't be happier to see these two take that next step.
When did Roxanne and Antonio get married?
The couple tied the knot on Saturday, October 26, at the Chateau Elan outside Atlanta. According to people, the couple had a brief American ceremony followed by a traditional Persian wedding. The bride looked stunning (and Antonio handsome).
Antonio stated about their time on the show: "While it might seem effortless, putting such a personal moment on display for the world to see, judge, and critique is no small feat," Kaiser says of Mattei's proposal to her. "Our love story is one-of-a-kind, and we’ve navigated it all in the public eye."
Congratulations to the couple on the big day!
The Ultimatum Season 1 and 2 are streaming on Netflix.