Reality TV villain of the year: Tiffany "New York" Pollard

It's been a big year for reality TV villains. Just when you think they couldn't be any more devious, the villains have outdone themselves. Here are some of the most scandalous moments from our reality TV villain of the year, Tiffany Pollard, aka the infamous New York.
Villain Spotlight: Tiffany “New York” Pollard 👑 | House of Villains (Season 2) | E!
Villain Spotlight: Tiffany “New York” Pollard 👑 | House of Villains (Season 2) | E! | House of Villains

So many villains, so little time. It was a tough call choosing the biggest villain of the year. There were just so many to choose from. House of Villains, premiering season 2, made it a bit easier, but there was a lot of competition. We had a baby scandal from Tyler Francis on Love is Blind, backstabbing from Kevin "K Fern" Fernandez on The Circle, and more fights with The Challenge's Laurel Stucky and her castmates than I could count.

There can only be one biggest villain, so let's take a look at why Tiffany Pollard, aka New York, deserves top honors as reality TV's biggest villain of the year.

Two time villain

Celebrity Big Brother - Final red carpet
Tiffany New York Pollard | Mike Marsland/GettyImages

In case you missed her on season 1 of House of Villains, New York was the only villain asked to return to the house full time for a second chance at the $200,000 prize. New York is currently eating up the competition with her signature insults. Her current target :spoiler alert ahead:

Supervillain of the week, Big Brother's Jessie "Mr. Pectacular" Godderz, who initally wanted Pollard in on the plan to nominate himself, hoping to eliminate The Challenge's Wes Bergmann. Unfortunately, New York wasn't having it. One thing we've learned, what New York wants, New York gets. She is playing chess while most of her other castmates are playing checkers.

Best insults of all time

Since she first appeared on reality TV in 2006's Flavor of Love, competing for Flava Flav's heart and clock, Tiffany Pollard has made a name for herself. Enough so that she went on to receive her very own dating show spin off, I Love New York. She also has done a handful of appearances on shows including Celebrity Big Brother (UK), Botched and Scared Famous. There were many other I Love New York spinoffs as she continued her search for love and reality TV infamy.

Here are some of New York's most memorable lines of all time:

“You amphibian reptile motherf*cker, don’t raise your p**is at me” to Omarosa, House of Villains season 1

"Saber tooth hammer head bastard." to Johnny Bananas, House of Villains season 1

“I truly am the HBIC, I’m the queen b*tch up in here...” Flavor of Love season 2

“I am so powerful. Ugh, my mind. It amazes me sometimes! I should have an octane level!” Flavor of Love

“You look like a fairy princess.... that resides over the pits of hell”. Flavor of Love

“I was talking to myself. As I often do because I am my own best friend.” Scared Famous

And many, many others that are too explicit for this article.

Loyal and iconic

There's no doubt New York stays loyal to her friends. Her secret alliance with Wes and friendship with Real Housewives of New Jersey's Teresa Giudice on House of Villains. Even though she *did* end up voting against her and insulting Teresa's husband Louie Ruelas, she defended her to her castmates, especially during the latest banishment ceremony.

One thing Tiffany Pollard will not do is play, unless it's on her terms. She will let you know immediately if she doesn't like you, and she will stir up drama if she doesn't.

New York also delivers iconic television. She knows what the fans want and gives it to us. Whether it's insulting the competition on Flavor of Love or picking fights with her fellow villains on House of Villains, New York is a woman of the people, for the people of reality TV. It just doesn't get any better.

Who is your favorite reality TV villain?