Love is Blind Season 7 Reunion - The World Owes Hannah Jiles an apology

The couples from Season 7 of Love is Blind returned to our screens for the reunion. While much went happened during the reunion, I wanted to talk about Hannah and why viewers owe her an apology.
Love Is Blind. Hannah Jiles in episode 701 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024
Love Is Blind. Hannah Jiles in episode 701 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

The singles from Washington, D.C., brought us on a whirlwind ride during Season 7 of Netflix's Love is Blind. The popular reality series that follows singles falling in love behind the pods concluded last week with two couples saying I do. Next came the reunion, where we saw many interesting revelations, including one about Nick Dorka's treatment of Hannah Jiles behind her back. I explore the couple and what happened at the reunion.

Nick and Hannah in the pods and Cabo

Hannah found herself amid a love triangle with Art Dealer Leo and Former Punter Nick. Of course, this led to one of the most dramatic pod moments in the show's history, with Leo begging Hannah to give him another chance. Hannah broke things off the following day, and she and Nick got engaged.

In Cabo, Nick and Hannah didn't feel like a couple that would make it the distance. First, we had the infamous duck incident, where the world started to become Team Nick (and they never looked back). The couple's body language felt off, and even in the mixers with the other couples, nothing ever seemed right.

Nick and Hannah Post-Pods

Even with their back-and-forth in Cabo, things seemed to simmer down, and these two inched closer to a couple who seemed like they could work through the experiment and their differences to make it down the aisle. The family meetings went rather well on both sides, and the often playful banter felt like they were hitting their stride.

As we inched closer to the wedding, Hannah and Nick started to fall apart, and watching the show, you would think it was one-sided, all Hannah's fault. Millions worldwide witnessed these two break up, and Nick became the next eligible bachelor. My biggest question was "Is Hannah that bad of a person?" or "Did Nick get a great edit?" The reunion seemed to give us some clarity.

What was revealed at the reunion?

If you have watched any of Hannah's interviews over the last few weeks, she said she came off strong and didn't even love how she treated Nick. I can appreciate someone showcasing her growth and owning her mistakes (cough, Ramses, cough). However, none of that shed any light with viewers as they still attacked her on social media.

Finally, much light was shed during the reunion on what transpired between these two. Nick had been talking to the men of the cast about how he wasn't attracted to Hannah and wasn't the kindest person to her off camera. I ask everyone reading this, "If you knew that your potential husband was talking bad about your looks behind your back, would you just be okay with it?" Let's be honest, you wouldn't be, so no matter how much you didn't like Hannah's actions towards Nick, he doesn't get a free pass here.

I knew from watching and hearing from time to time that Nick didn't want to tackle specific things on camera and that there was missing context. Don't get me wrong; I am not saying Nick is a "bad guy." I am saying the world owes Hannah an apology for how they've acted over the last few weeks.

That said, as much as I love Love is Blind, the fandom continues to attack the ladies while not holding the men accountable for their actions. Yes, people are going off what they see on their screen, but in our seven seasons of watching this show, we always know there is more to the story. These people are human beings at the end of the day, and the endless attacks on their character, looks, and everything in between is not cool. So shout out to Hannah, whose glow-up return to the reunion was the best revenge anyone could give, and the rest of the ladies from Love is Blind.

Love is Blind Season 7, and Reunion are streaming on Netflix.