We are limping our way through this season of House of Villains. I love the cast, but the episodes are not hitting for me the way the first season of the show did. I'm still ride or die for my villains though, so let's take a look at House of Villains episode 8, Un-funny Business.
The title really tells you the direction this episode is going.
The villain's lair
It's been quite in the lair this week. Other than the ridiculous, low blow feud between Larsa Pippin and Victoria Larson, the villains are mostly all getting along. Snooze. New York actually does the responsible thing and tells the other villains to be kinder to Vicky. I'm not sure what's in the water this season, but New York and Teresa being the tamest villains is pretty concerning for the future of the show. Can we at least get some fake drama?
I find Larsa and Victoria's frienemy status hard to believe. Larsa is dishing out such brutal insults and the only justification seems to be Vicky cries too much. If it is a real feud, the dry cleaning bill from Larsa's dog's birthday party must have been expensive. I just don't see how two people who have barely interacted can be so mean to each other. Usually the villain drama is light hearted. This is just straight cruelty.
The redemption challenge: cap it off

While I want to love it, this week's redemption challenge had to be the most painful challenge I've ever seen on competition television. Last season, the jokes weren't hilarious, but they at least provided some polite laughter.
Victoria, Larsa and Safaree seemed to think the caption contest was a short essay competition. They must have thought the votes were based on the most text characters. The funniest comment to come from the competition was Wes blaming casting for the failed challenge.
With Safaree winning redemption, the villains head to the house, and Wes puts Teresa at the head of the villain voting. Not wanting to commit to which cast member he wants to eliminate, he decides to follow his sister housewife's lead. New York thinks it's "sexy for a man to be powerless and voiceless." She should have won the caption contest for that one liner alone.
Back at the mansion
As the villains lounge around contemplating their life choices, Safaree turns up the heat with Larsa and New York. He just can't help himself, his type is everyone. He shared how sad he was that Larsa wears a ring from her boyfriend...or is it ex boyfriend? Larsa, we don't know, but you should! How do yoou not know if you're single or not?
I haven't watched Real Housewives since season 2 of RHONY, so I haven't followed the housewives. If they're all like Larsa though, I guess I need to start binging now. Speaking of housewives, Mother Teresa is leaving the building. The queen of RHONJ no longer wants to be the saint of the lair.
After a fun montage, the habit is retired and hopefully the gloves come off. I've been waiting for troublesome Teresa. Will we finally see her in episode 9?!
Elsewhere in the house and in my favorite moment of the season so far, Wes and Safaree trade wardrobes. If you've ever wondered what black Forest Gump looks like, look no further. Safaree is ready for a cross country run, and Wes looks surprisingly comfortable in a rainbow fur coat.

It's down to the two ladies, Larsa vs Victoria for banishment this week. Victoria gives an emotional plea, as she tends to do, highlighting her toomuchulous (it's tumultous, girl) journey being the outcast of the group.
Larsa uses her time to bash Victoria some more, and lie her way through her speech. She has "never made a false claim to anyone". Except, you know, for when she said she would ally with Wes and then backstabbed him. And put Teresa, her Bravo alliance, up for elimination. But other than those two times, and a few more, never, ever, ever.
It doesn't matter what the women say though, because the house has decided in a 4-1 vote that Victoria is banished from the competition. New York stays loyal to the Bachelor queen, but the rest of the villains decided two housewives are better than one.
But wait, that's not all! Host Joel McHale asks the villains to decide the order of the cast, from most to least villainous. After some strategic moves by Wes, Jessie, and finally Safaree, it is decided that Kandy is the biggest villain, and shockingly, Teresa is the least villainous. I know why the guys positioned themselves in the middle, but putting Teresa in the most angelic villain role just doesn't sit right with me. Something is off here.
And what's off is...a double elimination! Supposedly. We end on a cliffhanger, with Joel teasing us that another villain is leaving the lair. Will it be Kandy Muse, Teresa Giudice or a middle of the road villain? We'll have to wait until Thursday night, way past my bedtime, to find out. The time slot change from Wednesdays at 7 pm to Thursdays at 10 pm is the most villainous plot twist of the show.