Another season of House of Villains has come to an end and it could not have come soon enough. As wonderful as the individual cast members are, it was the roughest ride yet. From backstabbing to bad insults, who won, who lost, and who was left begging? Time for our House of Villains finale recap!
Hit list headache

When we last left the lair, supervillain of the week Jessie threw his two biggest alliances under the bus to try to give himself the best odds at winning the season. New York being nominated was no surprise, as Mr. Pectacular and Ms. HBIC have been going at it most of the season, but Larsa and Wes being added to the hit list was a punch in the gut to both. Et tu, Jessie?
Having a free ride to the finale, Safaree, like the rest of us, is shocked he is still in the game. He may be a villain, but he certainly is a quiet one. Wes Bergmann, however, is tired of playing the quiet, behind the scenes puppet master. His final speech to Jessie, for now at least, let Pecs know he is a "dead man walking". Richard Hatch, who is known for making more enemies than friends, even lets Wes know he should maybe, perhaps, tone it down on the mean factor a bit. You can't put the lion back in the cage, though. If you know Wes, it's not looking good for Jessie.
Redemption challenge: arch enemies

Another day, another punny challenge. The three hit list nominees must identify who said what in a puzzle game to place pieces in order creating an arch of their enemies. After what seems like entirely too long to recall insults that were spoken directly to you, Wes sweeps the competition and takes his ticket to ride to the finals.
Larsa complains her hands and nails got in the way, New York kicks herself for not learning more geometry, which is always helpful on reality TV, and Monica Garcia from Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, who is revealed as EVA 2.0, is over all of these antics and peaces out before the villains can get a handshake in. Honestly, the way this finale is going, I can't blame her.
Final banishment ceremony

In a very lackluster banishment ceremony, we see the remaining villains, Big Brother's Jessie Godderz, Love & Hip Hop's Safaree and The Challenge's' Wes Bergmann campaign for finale votes. Despite not being everyone's favorite housemate, Wes is the clear front runner when it comes to lead villian status.
While House of Villains season 1 saw an extensive finale challenge including an eating competition, they really cut to the chase this time around. The men offer their arguments why they should win, and Jessie is quickly eliminated when the votes stack up. On team Safaree are Camilla Poindexter, Kandy Muse, Larsa Pippin and Teresa Giudice. In Wes' corner are Victoria Larson, Larissa Lima, Richard Hatch and of course, Miss Tiffany "New York" Pollard. Like Hatch, I also am fed up with the popularity contest. The villains never get the memo that you're choosing the biggest villain.
In case math isn't your strong suit, this left Wes and Safaree tied. And how does House of Villains break ties, you may ask? The last villain eliminated is the tie breaker! The fate of $200,000 is now in Jessie's hands and we all see the writing on the wall. Demanding that Wes begs, it makes no difference when he literally gets down on both knees to plead. Jessie hands the win over to the contestant least likely to do anything all season, Safaree. Womp, womp, womp.
And so ends another season of House of Villains. The least villainous has somehow become the champion and $200k richer. I'm trying to hold on E!, but that's two times in a row you've done me dirty.