With two all star line ups in the books, we can only hope House of Villains will get a season 3. The hit show on E! has delivered some of reality TV's best villains to compete in host Joel McHale's ridiculous challenges to compete for cash and the title of ultimate supervillain. Who do we want to see if there's a House of Villains season 3?
5. Love is Blind's Leo Braudy
If you follow the Love is Blind cast on social media post show, you know Leo got a bad reputation for his moneybags conversations with the pod ladies. Never one to shy away from discussions about his cash flow or showing off his Rolex, we all thought Leo would be the most problematic of the season. We all owe Leo an apology, but that doesn't mean I want him on House of Villains any less.
Regardless of biggest villain status on the show, I still think Leo would be great on House of Villains. He is definitely strategic, and if you don't follow him on social media, you should. He has a great sense of humor and doesn't hesitate to make fun of himself and his fellow DC cast mates. We need that light hearted humor in the lair next season.
4. The Circle's Jordan Staff

One of the most controversial competitions in the history of The Circle, Jordan from season 6 gained a villain reputation for immediately targeting one of the season's most liked players, Myles Reed aka Papi Fuego.
Late to the game, Jordan had to play catch up, but his seeming obsession with blocking Myles doomed him in the long term. While he did make the finals, he didn't end up winning. House of Villains could be his second chance, having learned that while you can be a villain, you have to have more than one trick up your sleeve to keep up with cast that's out for blood and money.
3. The Challenge's Pauly Calafiore
While there are certainly bigger villains on The Challenge, we've already had the top two star on House of Villains, which opens up the playing field for the next generation. Pauly took a long break from The Challenge and came back swinging in season 40. His character arc went from complete bad boy, to evil yet endearing.
I didn't realize how much I missed Pauly on my screen until he was back, and his time on this season of The Challenge was too short lived. Could you imagine the wardrobe swap opportunities between Pauly and the housewives? That's something not to be missed. Bonus points if we get HOV's first ever couple and Cara Maria Sorbello joins Pauly on the show. I'm not sure the world is ready for that, but I'm 1000% in.
2. Real Housewives of Salt Lake City's Jen Shah

The Real Housewives cast is known for its villains. While it's hard to say who the biggest villain in the series is, one who I would love to see compete is Jen Shah. House of Villains always has a cast member that shakes up the lair, and it's unlikely we get another season of New York.
Jen might not have New York's insult thesaurus, but she does have that star centric mindset. She will certainly try to steal the spotlight as often as possible, and her time in prison for fraud fits right in with the tongue in cheek jail break challenges the show loves to sneak in to make light of the cast who has spent time behind bars. I would love to see Jen on the hit list.
1. Dancing with the Stars Anna Delvey

Since we're casting ex-convicts, let's get the most famous, devious diva on next season. Anna already has become iconic having conned Hollywood elite and even landing herself a short stint on Dancing with the Stars. While she certainly didn't win over the hearts of fans on the show saying she learned "nothing" during her dancing days, watching her dead pan insults would be extremely entertaining.
She may not be my favorite person, but she definitely would give the rest of the villains a run for their money. And she can certainly use it. Those legal bills have to be stacked by now. We know someone like Anna is not one to stay away from the spotlight, so if we're going to get her on our screens again, it might as well be in a role she's perfect for - villain.
Who do you want to see on House of Villains season 3?