4 Best Moments from Love is Blind Season 7

Love is Blind season 7 may have been a bit of a train wreck, but there were some wholesome scenes and relationships. Here are 4 of the best moments from Love is Blind season 7 and why we love them.
Love Is Blind. (L to R) Garrett Hoseman, Taylor Krause in episode 703 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024
Love Is Blind. (L to R) Garrett Hoseman, Taylor Krause in episode 703 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024

While there are things that could use improvement on Love is Blind, there are many things fans love about it. That's why we keep coming back for more. Love is Blind would not be seven seasons and multiple international spinoffs long if we didn't watch. Here are the 4 best moments from Love is Blind season 7.

1. Taylor and Garrett's relationship

In the words of Nick Lachey, "obviously." There was no doubt Taylor Krause and Garrett Josemans were made from each other. From their coordinating tattoos, quirky senses of humor, and shared values, there was no hope for love for the rest of us if they said no at the altar.

Despite one minor blip on the radar where Garrett lied about replying to an ex's DMs (which I'm still not convinced was a big deal to Taylor either), the two are perfect together. While it wasn't confirmed until the reunion, seeing Garrett's glow up from clean cut Ken to smouldering supermodel, it was pretty much a guarantee the gorgeous and fashionable Taylor was still around to influence her hubby's fashion sense.

2. Brittany and Leo's friendship

Love Is Blind. (L to R) Leo Braudy, Brittany Wisniewski in episode 705 of Love Is Blind. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2024
Leo Braudy smothers fiancee Brittany Wisniewski

So maybe Brittany Wisniewski and Leo Braudy weren't meant to spend forever in each other's arms. I don't think anyone was surprised the two didn't make it past the infamous Miami trip as a couple. Perhaps the most wholesome and surprising moment of the season happened post-show.

It was revealed the two were no longer engaged, but they did create an everlasting bond and friendship that helped redeem Leo in viewer's eyes. He went from a slightly annoying, braggy rich kid to a funny, solid guy who is there for his friends through thick and thin. If you didn't catch it, Leo has spent some quality time with both of his exes, Brittany and Hannah Jiles. The three even made fun of their villain reputations and love triangle in a recent TikTok post-show.

3. Tim meeting Alex's dad

Hear me out! Even though the relationship went down in flames shortly after, the moment Tim Godbee read the heartfelt letter to Alex Byrd's dad, asking his permission to marry her was a very sweet moment.

I know I'm going to catch a lot of heat for this one, so I'll leave it at that. Don't @ me.

4. Katie lifting Nick's spirits at the Gatsby party

It surely wasn't Hannah's favorite moment, but Katie Bollinger giving ex Nick Dorka positive affirmations while gently letting him know that they were not meant to be. After weeks of constant nagging and bullying, it had to be a welcome relief to hear some kind words.

Katie was honest with Nick letting him know that he had some growing up to do. Something Hannah was also direct about, but in more of a I kind of hate you, but I'm sticking this out because I quit my job and want to be an influencer kind of way. You can see Nick likes a woman who knows what she wants and isn't willing to settle, but maybe took a wrong turn going for Hannah instead of leaving the first time she broke up with him. I bet Katie would have been down for a duck race.